Unlock Your Wellness: Exclusive Insights from a Holistic Health Coach!

Meet Jennifer Jenkins, Holistic Wellness Specialist and Health Coach in Tampa! Let’s dive into our interview with Jennifer and find out what Rooted Holistic Health is, who they serve, and what makes them special!

Let's start by getting to know you better. Share your journey - where are you from and how you ended up in Tampa?

I was born and raised in Ohio, where I met my husband. Our journey together has spanned nearly two decades, during which we’ve been blessed with two amazing children. One lifelong dream of mine was to move to a more southern location, and after our oldest child graduated from high school, that dream finally came true. It happened when my husband received a job offer that allowed us to relocate to Tampa 9 years ago.

What made you pursue a career as a health coach? What was the driving force behind your decision?

My desire to support individuals on their path to healing led me to pursue a career in the medical field, where I devoted over 25 years to serving as a Registered Nurse across various healthcare settings. Over the course of my career, a recurring issue became apparent: many patients seeking assistance received short-term solutions for their immediate medical needs. While medications were prescribed, the emphasis often lacked the necessary guidance for implementing essential lifestyle changes that could empower them to regain control of their health or effectively manage their symptoms. It became evident that a significant number of patients grappling with chronic health issues like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and stress-related ailments could have avoided preventable conditions had they received the appropriate guidance and support.

Patients frequently sought advice on improving their health, but the nature of my work in emergency and acute care settings limited my ability to provide comprehensive assistance. It wasn’t until approximately 15 years ago when I fell seriously ill and became a patient myself that I gained firsthand insight into the shortcomings of our healthcare system in managing chronic diseases. During that period, I found myself under the care of more than seven different specialists, inundated with numerous medications in a desperate pursuit of relief. However, my health continued to deteriorate, and each new medication seemed to introduce new side effects, leaving me dissatisfied with the trajectory of my life, and realizing the traditional treatment options were not for me.

This pivotal moment ignited an intrinsic desire within me to uncover the root causes of my health issues and take charge of my well-being. I embarked on a personal journey to seek answers and make the necessary lifestyle choices to heal my body. I am proud to share that I successfully reversed my health challenges. This transformative experience propelled me into an extraordinary voyage of exploration into holistic health and alternative; functional medicine.

Along this journey, as I was the primary grocery shopper for my husband and two children, I realized that this transformation extended far beyond just myself. I recognized how my decision to make a change also profoundly impacted our family. My husband shed 40 pounds and has maintained his healthier weight for over 12 years, leading to a significant shift in our family dynamics. As my husband and I began to feel better, we noticed an improvement in our relationship and became more active with our children. Most importantly, we set better examples for them and imparted valuable lessons on healthier lifestyle choices so we were completely changing our family dynamics and legacy.

Can you give us the background of Rooted Holistic Health Coaching? Where did it start and how did it grow?

When I found myself at the lowest point of my illness journey, I made a commitment to myself. I vowed that if I could heal myself, I would dedicate my efforts to assisting others in their quest for healing, sparing them the suffering I had endured. Over the course of several years, I expended substantial financial resources on medications, procedures, numerous medical appointments, and an array of tests, all in pursuit of answers to alleviate my suffering.

I made the decision to return to school, embarking on a journey of learning everything I could about methodologies and practices that could support my personal healing. Along the way, I attained multiple certifications, initially with no intention other than understanding how to restore my own health. Unbeknownst to me at the time, this knowledge accumulation was part of a larger plan.

Throughout my wellness journey, close friends and family began to notice the remarkable transformation in my family’s health and happiness. They began seeking advice and guidance, prompting me to realize that my journey could no longer be solely about my own well-being. It became clear that I needed to extend my efforts to assist others on their own paths to wellness.

What sets Rooted Holistic Health Coaching apart from other health coaching practices? We want to let our community know the qualities that make Rooted Holistic Health Coaching stand out in the crowd.

 I hold a deep and genuine concern for the well-being and success of each of my clients. Throughout my entire career, my primary focus has been on assisting others, and I bring a unique perspective to the table because I’ve experienced both sides of the equation. I can empathize with many of the challenges my clients have faced or are currently facing.

As I’ve traveled along this journey of holistic health and wellness, I’ve wholeheartedly embraced the role of a lifelong learner. My passion for well-being and my desire to help others realize their full potential have driven me to acquire over 20 certifications in various modalities. This extensive knowledge equips me to craft comprehensive programs and provide personalized coaching to my clients, utilizing a wide array of tools and resources tailored to their unique wellness journeys.

I take great pride in adopting a root-cause approach when collaborating with clients. I firmly believe in addressing the underlying issues rather than advocating for quick fixes or trendy solutions. My goal is to help my clients achieve lasting, sustainable results, promoting permanent change rather than merely masking problems with temporary solutions.

At Rooted Holistic Health Coaching, who do you typically work with?

Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with a diverse spectrum of clients. These individuals have ranged from weekend warriors to professional athletes, as well as stay-at-home parents seeking more energy to keep up with their children or wanting to instill healthier habits in their families.

I’ve also worked with busy professionals who’ve felt like they’ve exhausted all their options without achieving the desired outcomes.

My areas of specialization encompass a broad range of health and wellness domains. These include sports nutrition, detoxification, stress management, mindset cultivation, gut health, and addressing inflammatory issues. Additionally, I focus on metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and the challenges associated with weight loss.

What types of services do you offer?

I provide a comprehensive range of services tailored to your wellness journey. These offerings encompass complimentary masterclasses, self-guided programs (such as my 10-Day Holistic Mind & Body Detox and my signature 12-weeek Rooted Health Metabolic Reset Program), group coaching sessions, one-on-one high-performance private coaching, as well as speaking engagements on a wide array of health-related topics.

Does Rooted Holistic Health Coaching use any techniques that are unique in the health coaching space?

In my client interactions, I draw upon a wide spectrum of techniques rooted in my extensive background in alternative and functional medicine. This diverse toolbox equips me to offer comprehensive and individualized support to each of my clients. For instance, when assisting clients in making lifestyle and behavior changes such as nutrition, sleep, and recovery, I incorporate strategies from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to help them overcome limiting beliefs. Furthermore, I utilize Timeline Therapy, breathwork, motivational interviewing, energy work, and guided meditations, among other holistic methodologies. These approaches collectively address the holistic well-being of both the body and mind, enabling my clients to not only attain their goals but also maintain their results over time.

Let’s debunk some common misconceptions about health coaching. What are the most prevalent misunderstandings that people have, and how do you try to set the record straight?

To begin, I firmly believe that the most crucial investment we can ever make is in our health. Regrettably, I’ve encountered numerous patients and clients over the years who found themselves in worse conditions after falling for quick-fix solutions, medications, or supplements promising miraculous cures. I’ve also witnessed individuals claiming to be health coaches without any credible credentials or accreditation from recognized organizations. My foremost advice is that, especially when entrusting someone with a matter as serious as your health, you should always ensure that the individual is qualified and equipped to provide guidance.

Health coaching has proven to be highly effective. Many people already have various coaches in different aspects of their lives, such as religious or spiritual coaches, financial coaches, fitness coaches, and mental health coaches, to name a few. A Health Coach complements this team by providing support across all these areas. For instance, improved health can lead to savings on healthcare expenses and reduced insurance premiums. It can also enhance mental clarity, better insulin regulation, stress management, and improved sleep quality. With increased energy levels and proper nutritional support, individuals can take their fitness routines to the next level. Health Coaches play a pivotal role in supporting improvements in all these areas that most people seek to enhance.

The health coaching space continues to evolve. How has Rooted Holistic Health Coaching evolved since you’ve started?

As a perpetual learner, I hold a steadfast commitment to my own personal growth. Recognizing that the field of science and our environment are in a constant state of evolution, I dedicate myself to staying current with evidence-based practices and the latest research. I often emphasize to my clients that they can expect an even more refined version of me in the coming years. This commitment stems from my substantial investments in terms of time, finances, and energy toward my education and mentorships. It’s through this ongoing evolution that I aim to provide the best possible support to my clients and meet their ever-changing needs.

What’s next for Rooted Holistic Health Coaching?

Currently, I’m in the midst of authoring my first book, slated for release in early 2024. I’m also gearing up for additional speaking engagements and the expansion of educational classes. Furthermore, I have plans to grow my team and enhance our group programs to extend our reach and provide assistance to a broader audience.

Big thanks to Jennifer Jenkins with Rooted Holistic Health for allowing us to learn more about who they are and how they’re serving our local community!

You can find out more about Rooted Holistic Health by checking out their website and following along on their socials below.

Email: jennifer@rootedholistichealth.com

Phone: (813) 433-0240

Website: rootedholistichealth.com


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